Trial starts tomorrow – Home by 5:00 today.

Introducing Exhibit Genie. Keep your exhibit list in sync with your exhibit documents—and rearrange the order of your exhibits in real time, instantly. Script and plan your examination to bring in exactly the testimony you need, with exactly the right witness and the right exhibit, in the right order.

Better yet, Exhibit Genie works for depos, hearings, affidavits or anything that uses exhibits.

Turn the chaos and stress of trial prep into calm productivity, and enjoy the eve of trial with your family.

Confident attorney

Finally, eDiscovery for the rest of us.

eDiscovery is not a luxury. If you're dealing with the evidence in your case with paralegals using consumer software, you're putting your case and your firm at risk. Discovery Genie gives you complete mastery of your evidence for less than 1.5 billable hours per month.

Don’t hire another paralegal—get the right tech!

Now every litigator can benefit from eDiscovery.

Without command of your evidence—the ability to find any document you need in real time—you are at a disadvantage, and your case is at risk.

Until now, eDiscovery has been engineered for big law, and too expensive and too complicated for the rest of us. Discovery Genie’s patented platform changes that. Engineered for the 90% of cases most lawyers litigate most of the time, Discovery Genie puts you back in control, and gives you the same advantages available to big law, no matter the size of your firm or your cases.

Our system is intuitive and straightforward, and pays for itself by eliminating costly wasted paralegal time while leveling up your practice.

Simple Pricing Options

Completely transparent pricing makes our system affordable for small firms. 


Pre-pay plan

Unlimited plan

Paralegal Services

Small firms have been waiting a long time for a cost-effective tool for ingesting and organizing Electronically-Stored Information. Discovery Genie is that long overdue solution.
- Tom O’Connor, Gulf Coast Legal Technology Center
Author: eDiscovery for Small Cases

Feature rich eDiscovery software.

Document collection

Clients can submit their emails and files directly to Discovery Genie for your review. We provide them training and support. Learn more.

PDF conversion

Our eDiscovery software converts your documents to PDF and retains valuable metadata to help you find your evidence. Learn more.

Document review

As easy to use as Outlook. Our Review module presents the documents on the left, with an easy and intuitive checkbox interface. Learn more.

Privilege prediction

Mark each party in emails as a lawyer, client, or adverse. Our software predicts whether each item is privileged or produced. Learn more.

Bates customization

Need your documents Bates numbered in chronological order? Need to group your Bates numbers by RPD number? You have control over the order of your documents. Learn more.

Customized indexing

Easily find your evidence and comply with court rules that require a privilege log, an index of a party’s production, or a load file containing metadata of produced documents. Learn more.

Download output files

Download your output in a single .ZIP file that includes internal use only key documents and privileged documents, as well as your Bates labeled draft production Learn more.

Clio integration

Access Discovery Genie through Clio, use many of your favorite Clio features while using Discovery Genie, and store your output in Clio after you have finished your review and production. Learn more.

What people are saying:

“I wouldn’t still be doing this job if it weren’t for Discovery Genie.” - Customer (paralegal)
“It’s like discovering the internet for the first time.” - Customer (lawyer)
"Discovery Genie is incredibly user-friendly, with everything laid out for you. It’s an easy-to-use, quick way to get your Discovery out whether you have photos, attachments or emails.  And if you have questions, the help page pretty much covers everything." - Connie Rodriguez, Legal Assistant, Tiemeier & Stich, PC
“There is a considerable need in the market for discovery software developed to support small cases – which are as much as 90% of all civil cases – and Discovery Genie is designed to address that need.” - Doug Austin, Blogger: eDiscovery Today (
"Discovery Genie is great for organizing emails, and making sure that privileged information stays privileged.  It is also an easy way for staff and attorneys to review and work on discovery at different times and stay on the same page." - Sean McDermott, Partner, McDermott Stuart & Ward LLP
"Discovery Genie is for the pragmatic, self-driven lawyer who needs to get a document production completed without the fuss, expense, and perils of traditional discovery approaches." - Gary Thompson, Partner, Washington D.C.
"Discovery Genie offers lawyers a simple, quick, and cost-effective way to identify, Bates stamp, and produce responsive, non-privileged emails in the context of any litigation - criminal or civil; complex or simple. I used Discovery Genie to produce more than 360,000 pages of materials in response to a federal grand jury subpoena. Discovery Genie substantially diminished the cost as well as the time needed to produce the materials. My client and I were thrilled." - Greg Goldberg, Holland & Hart, LLP

    The practical way to produce documents.

    If you’re not using eDiscovery because it seems impractical, Discovery Genie is for you. Now every litigator can leverage the power of eDiscovery. Don’t get left behind. Use Discovery Genie to streamline and grow your practice.