Trial starts tomorrow – Home by 5:00 today.
Introducing Exhibit Genie. Keep your exhibit list in sync with your exhibit documents—and rearrange the order of your exhibits in real time, instantly. Script and plan your examination to bring in exactly the testimony you need, with exactly the right witness and the right exhibit, in the right order.
Better yet, Exhibit Genie works for depos, hearings, affidavits or anything that uses exhibits.
Turn the chaos and stress of trial prep into calm productivity, and enjoy the eve of trial with your family.

Finally, eDiscovery for the rest of us.
eDiscovery is not a luxury. If you're dealing with the evidence in your case with paralegals using consumer software, you're putting your case and your firm at risk. Discovery Genie gives you complete mastery of your evidence for less than 1.5 billable hours per month.
Don’t hire another paralegal—get the right tech!
Now every litigator can benefit from eDiscovery.
Without command of your evidence—the ability to find any document you need in real time—you are at a disadvantage, and your case is at risk.
Until now, eDiscovery has been engineered for big law, and too expensive and too complicated for the rest of us. Discovery Genie’s patented platform changes that. Engineered for the 90% of cases most lawyers litigate most of the time, Discovery Genie puts you back in control, and gives you the same advantages available to big law, no matter the size of your firm or your cases.
Our system is intuitive and straightforward, and pays for itself by eliminating costly wasted paralegal time while leveling up your practice.
Simple Pricing Options
Completely transparent pricing makes our system affordable for small firms.
Pre-pay plan
Unlimited plan
Paralegal Services
Small firms have been waiting a long time for a cost-effective tool for ingesting and organizing Electronically-Stored Information. Discovery Genie is that long overdue solution.